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Outlook Not Sending Emails on Windows 10/11

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Registrace: 26.2. 2024
Příspěvky: 20

PříspěvekZaslal: so 13. duben, 2024 14:22    Předmět: Outlook Not Sending Emails on Windows 10/11 Citovat

If you're experiencing issues with Outlook not sending emails on Windows 10/11, you're not alone. This problem is common and can be frustrating, but it's usually easy to fix. In this post, we'll discuss the possible causes and provide solutions to help you resolve the issue.

Possible Causes:
1. Incorrect email settings
2. Unstable internet connection
3. Firewall or antivirus software blocking Outlook
4. Corrupted Outlook profile
5. Outdated Outlook software
6. Large email attachments
7. Email account being over its storage limit

1. Check Your Email Settings: Ensure that your email settings are correct. Incorrect settings can prevent Outlook from sending emails. You can check your email settings by going to File > Info > Account Settings > Account Settings.

2. Check Server Connectivity: Outlook requires a stable internet connection to send emails. If your internet connection is unstable, it may cause issues with sending emails. You can check your server connectivity by going to File > Info > Account Settings > Account Settings > Connection tab.

3. Check Firewall or Antivirus Software: Firewall or antivirus software can sometimes block Outlook from sending emails. You can check if this is the issue by temporarily disabling your firewall or antivirus software and trying to send an email.

4. Create a New Outlook Profile: If your Outlook profile is corrupted, it may prevent Outlook from sending emails. You can create a new Outlook profile by going to File > Info > Account Settings > Account Settings > More Settings > Profiles tab.

5. Update Outlook: If your Outlook software is outdated, it may not be able to send emails. You can update Outlook by going to File > Help > Check for Updates.

6. Reduce Email Attachment Size: Outlook may not send emails with attachments if the file size is too large. You can reduce the size of your email attachments by compressing them or using a cloud storage service.

7. Check Email Account Storage Limit: If your email account is over its storage limit, you may not be able to send emails. You can check your storage limit by going to your email account settings.

If the issue persists after trying these solutions, consider contacting Microsoft support for further assistance.

We hope this helps! Let us know if you have any further questions.
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