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Some Scots Covid powers 'could be made permanent'

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Registrace: 15.7. 2021
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PříspěvekZaslal: st 18. srpen, 2021 7:07    Předmět: Some Scots Covid powers 'could be made permanent' Citovat

Some Scots Covid powers 'could be made permanent'

The Scottish government wants some emergency Covid-19 powers to become permanent, including the ability to impose lockdowns and close schools.

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Most pandemic powers are due to expire in March 2022, but ministers are consulting on making some permanent.

This could include changes which make it harder for tenants to be evicted and the power to release prisoners early.

Deputy First Minister John Swinney said some changes made due to Covid-19 had a "demonstrable benefit to the people".

However, the Conservatives said the move showed Scottish ministers were "unwilling to give up their control over people's lives".

MSPs signed off a raft of emergency powers for the Scottish government at the outset of the pandemic, and have agreed to extend them on several occasions since. They could yet agree to extend them for another six months from March 2022.

However, ministers are looking at whether new legislation should be passed to make some of the changes permanent.

Many of the proposals are aimed at future Covid-19 outbreaks - or the spread of any other infectious virus which poses a serious risk to public health.

The government's consultation says this would mean "ministers can respond effectively and rapidly to any future threats to public health in Scotland".
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